
Where Do You Begin?

Planning for a successful future can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you make time? Which questions should you ask? Today, we'll present a process that can help you organize your thoughts and put you on a path toward a successful planning process. The...

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Hiring a Professional President

As a business owner, is it a good idea to hire a "professional president" to keep various managers focused? Today, we'll present some potential benefits of a professional company president. Shepherding Success Successful business owners tend to run so many different...

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Saying Goodbye Without Leaving

For many business owners, the business is more than a means to make money—it's a part of their identity and a link to the past. This can make the idea of leaving it, and committing to the planning required to leave it successfully, very challenging. Consider the story...

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A Tale of Two Companies

We believe that success in business is determined not by how well owners run a business, but by how well the business runs without them. Picture two identical companies that: Move time-sensitive freight. Serve customers across the nation. Record $2M in EBITDA...

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Business Planning Is Relationship Building

Planning for a successful future can seem like an event—a thing you do in the course of business. However, in many cases, this planning is much more like a relationship: with your loved ones who rely on you, with your employees, and with your advisors. When fostered,...

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How to Be Confident Amid Change

One of the biggest changes your business will inevitably experience is a transfer of responsibilities. Transferring important responsibilities to someone else can be exciting and nerve-wracking. Whether you’re transferring ownership to a family member, or departmental...

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How to Clarify Your Brilliant Processes

Many successful business owners are successful because they think about things differently than most people. Others may recognize your personal brilliance and say to themselves, “I wish I could understand how she does it.” This “secret sauce” can be a great...

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