Pursuing Financial Independence Legally

Achieving financial independence is the most important goal for business owners who want to exit their businesses successfully. The importance of achieving this goal is so great that it may be tempting to take legally nebulous routes to achieving it. Let’s look at a...

Getting Along With Your Advisors

A huge perk of running your own business is getting to do it your way. This can make planning for a successful future challenging for some business owners because they need to be comfortable with giving up control of certain aspects. And if they don’t agree with their...

Converting Your Business to a Non-Profit

Converting your business to a non-profit is a valid exit strategy. However, there are important things to consider if you choose this path. Here are a few things you should think about if you’re considering converting your business to a non-profit, using a short...

Reducing Risks in Risky Businesses

Founding a business is inherently risky. Fortunately, even the riskiest businesses have opportunities to reduce their risks and protect their interests with proper and early planning. Let’s look at a fictional but representative story of how an extremely risky...

Exit Planning Offers Assurance

Running a business is one of the most fulfilling things you’ll likely ever do. Despite the time and money it costs you, you dedicate everything you have to position it to be successful. With all the effort you pour into your business, it’s prudent to dedicate time and...

Hard Work Deserves Good Planning

A major point of pride for successful business owners is how hard they worked to achieve their success. A common myth is that smaller, less complex businesses aren’t cut out for Exit Planning or that it’s too expensive. But as the backbone of the economy, smaller...